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Silica Gel

Silica gel is such an interesting material. It's basically just really porous quartz that tends to take in moisture really efficiently. I've been stockpiling a lot, whenever I find a packet it gets added to my collection. Occasionally i open all the packs and sort them, because there's different colors of silica gel believe it or not. it PISSES me OFF. The blue and orange ones are both made with toxic materials, so I'd rather just separate all the regular clear ones and use those.

My main plan is to dry them out in the oven/microwave (yes, this is apparently safe) and accumulate them into a big mesh bag to essentially have an ultra powerful drying sack. If they get depleted i can just dry them out again. I don't really know what I would need that for... but It's just another awesome project by ME!

Sometimes i get really lucky and find some at work, the other day I went in shopping on my day off and i managed to find a packet, so I'm basically blessed. My coworkers are all very aware of my silica gel fixation and they told me if they find any they'll keep them for me... so I'm really thankful.

My dad even told me that he has a collection too, which I predicted from a mile away. Definitely genetic. He gave me a big packet to use so i was like.. omg...

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