now listening to: VA-11 Hall-A OST - A Gaze That Invited Disaster


Twitch Streaming?

I really really want to start streaming again, I think it would be fun! I should probably schedule stuff in advance, that way people would know when stuff is going on. I have a lot of games I havent played yet, I think it would be fun to do some "first time" streams of games!!

I really wanna have a lot of variety, but don't know where to start. Current ideas for streams are Hollow Knight (Never played), Rimworld, Subnautica, Terraria, and Buckshot Roulette multiplayer.

I'm sure i can easily set aside certain days to stream, so scheduling wouldnt be hard on my end. I'd love to hear everyones thoughts!!!

Of course it doesnt always have to be games, but i'll figure it out as time goes on.
