
The general gameplay is as follows: Navigate a grid while constantly moving forward, akin to Snake. Collect pink Oppies and have them trail behind you. You can press X to leave them behind, but you must do so while they are on the Star Pads to gain points, or else they turn into enemies that'll end your game upon contact. You can press Z to jump over the Mad Oppies and Mushrooms that show up, or even your own trail.

The main goal is to save as many Oppies as possible, i.e. scoring them on the Star Pads.

Gold requirement: Save 200 Oppies

Cherry requirement: Win with at least 20,000 points


Use the arrow keys to change direction. Your character is constantly moving forward, and you can't turn around instantly, you can only turn 90 degrees. Meaning, if you're facing right, you cant go left because you'd have to be facing up or down first.

Pressing Z will allow you to leap over enemies, and Mad Oppies will be momentarily stunned from being jumped over.

Pressing X will leave behind any Oppies on your tail, allowing you to score points using Star Pads.



At all times, a certain amount of Oppies will appear, the max amount increases over time. When you pick up an Oppie, a new one appears on a random tile.

You can collide with your own line of Oppies, so be mindful of the path you take if you have a long tail!

When scored, you get 10 points times the number of Oppies scoring at once, per oppie. So p=10x, where x is the amount of oppies. Basically, more in one go = more points.

If dropped on a tile that isnt a Star Pad, Oppies will transform into Mad Oppies.

Mad Oppies

Mad Oppies will appear on their own over time, but regular Oppies will transform to these if placed on regular tiles.

The Mad Oppies will occasionally move either up, down, left, or right. Before they do so, there is a visual cue where they glance to the direction they're about to move. If you see them glancing in a direction, you only have a second before they make their move, so be sure you're out of the way!

Can be destroyed while under the effects of any Potion, giving p=m(10x) points, where m is the multiplier, and x is the number defeated while the potion is active. tl;dr, It gets very exponential.


Mushrooms will appear occasionally, and never move from their spot. They can only be destroyed while under the effects of a Blue or Gold potion.


Every 6 Oppies you rescue, a Potion will spawn on a random tile. There are 4 different colors, and while a potion is on the ground it will transform over time into the fourth and 'strongest' tier, Gold. However, the amount of Oppies after 6 does matter. Check below!

= 6, = 7, = 8, and = 9 or more.

While under the effects of a Green Potion or stronger, your multiplier goes up by 1x per ^ Potion you drink, starting at 2x, until the duration ends. Getting another Potion resets the timer. Your multiplier multiplies the points you recieve from destroying Mad Oppies while active.

Star Pads

Star Pads will appear in different set patterns, and will change position when you either rescue Oppies or when they naturally expire and switch position. every pattern has 12 tiles, making that generally the most Oppies you can rescue at once.


Generally, the best strategy for winning (200 rescued Oppies) is to just collect Potions as quick as you can, and keep the Mad Oppies to as little numbers as possible.

Potion stockpiling + intentional Oppie transformation (For Cherry)

If you can keep making Potions pile up across the board, then once theres a good amount of Mad Oppies active you can drink all the Potions (perhaps over time, to keep the timer up) and defeat as many enemies as you can. Each Green (Or better) Potion increases your mult for the timer duration, meaning exponential gain if timed correctly.