Now playing: kikuo - 青いピラミッド

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Latest Updates

● 12/16/24 - Updated my About Me to be in line with my new layout, and added a Favorite Images section!

● 12/11/24 - Site is getting a major overhaul! Keep your eyes peeled for little updates over time....

● 11/24/24 - A lot of stuff now has movement on hovering, focusing on the main page before tweaking others!

● 11/20/24 - We are now!

● 11/12/24 - Added My Music page, New blog about Pennies, and Album of the Time

● 11/11/24 - Fixed mobile site, added comment sections to blogs :]

● 11/10/24 - Added links page, videos page, and a new blog entry. All WIP.

● 11/02/24 - Finished Blog home page

● 10/31/24 - Finished about page layout

● 10/28/24 - Finished homepage layout

● 10/27/24 - Started development on website



Normal Girl

Snart Genius

Penny Collector

Silica Gel Fan

Streamer too

Hiya, I'm Jill! I love making things and having fun! My hobbies (as of late) include streaming, web development, and prospects of filming/video editing. I stream on twitch at least 2 times a week, my schedule is below! This site is where I plan to host my projects, ideas, and other fun things.

Site awards

Coolest Bug award
Teto award
Garp award
Bitch Shut the Heck Up award
Papa Fudge award

Twitch Schedule


2. Find a meaningless animal



Current fav. album

Jamie Paige - Constant Companions